uncool runnings

uncool runnings

Monday 24 August 2015

Jayson Lee Memorial 10k

In only his third race, James Faudemer (23) romped home to an impressive victory in the Jayson Lee Memorial 9.93k held at FB Fields yesterday morning. In rapidly improving conditions the noodle-armed tennis coach clocked a time of 34:20. Faudemer led from the start and after dispensing with the company of Mark Gilmour at around the halfway point he extended his advantage all the way to the finish line.

Second man home was Mark Gilmour of Scotland who despite giving it 'all that' during the build up couldn't put his money where his mouth was when push came to shove and from the off he was writing cheques his butt couldn't cash. The wheels really came off for Mark during the last three kilometres and he finished in a half-dead state that belied his poor time of 35:20, which is pretty shit, when you think about it.

After an epic sprint that will live long in the memory of those fortunate enough to witness it, Jamie Barker -  perhaps the most handsome runner in the race and certainly the one who wore the best trainers - finished third. Not sure what time he did but it's not always about time and he was one place behind Gilmour and that's all people will remember. 78 year-old Phil Ahier was 4th. Then some other people.

UCR would like to thank the organisers of this event but not the police because they dicked the runners around by making them cross the road a load of times when they should be out catching real criminals.

Next race is a 5k in a couple of weeks.